Product Description: 500-10000bp DNA Marker, Ready-to-use
9 DNA fragments: 0.5kb, 1 kb, 2 kb, 3 kb, 4 kb, 5 kb, 6kb, 8kb, and 10kb: The DNA KB-Ladder includes 9 fragments ranging from 0.5-10.0 kilobases (KB). It is a mixture of several plasmids digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes. The intensity of the 3.0kb band has been increased to yield an internal reference indicator. All other bands appear with equal intensity except the band at 0.5kb
Total Product Size:
M101R-1 (100 loading)
M101R-2 (5×100 loading)
M101R-2 (5×100 loading)
Number of Containers: 5
Refrigeration Requirements: Freezer
Shipping Conditions: ICE
UNSPSC Code: 41105335
UNSPSC Category: DNA Ladders